Decide on the delivery terms, delivery mode, price and payment terms beforehand.
While meeting the seller, always meet at a safe location, preferably a public place.
If required, ascertain if the seller has the appropriate authority to negotiate, sell and receive the payment.
The best and the safest way to buy is to inspect the item, collect the item and pay at the same time.
It is strongly recommended you purchase directly from the seller.
If renting an apartment or a house, make sure you know all the terms clearly.
If purchasing a vehicle, it’s best to get it verified by independent, third-party agencies to check for theft, damage, chassis number, vehicle history etc.
From electronic gadgets to cars, make sure you satisfy yourself with the condition and functioning of the item.
You should never give out any personal / financial information unless it is clearly required for the transaction.
Paying or transferring funds before you receive the item satisfactorily is extremely risky. Don’t do it.
Avoid transactions methods you don’t know or don’t trust.
If an offer sounds too good to be true, it’s best to view it with suspicion.
Last but not the least, do your research on the prices of comparable items.
Decide on the delivery terms, delivery mode, price and payment terms beforehand.
If you are accepting cash, do your best to verify if the currency notes are genuine.
To be fair, the products you sell should match the features you listed on the site. This prevents any potential misunderstanding.
It’s in your interest to exchange the goods and the payment at the same time. A promise of payment in future is risky.
If the buyer is looking for a bulk order, it’s always wise to cross-check the buyer’s credentials.
If the buyer is offering a mode or instrument of payment other than cash, it’s strongly recommended you check if it’s safe.
You should never give out any personal / financial information unless it is clearly required for the transaction.
Never share your login and password information with anyone.
It’s best not to store the login password info in the browser.
Your password should be difficult. We strongly recommend having a password that has a combination of digits, letters and symbols.
If you suspect someone knows your password, change it immediately.