Our moderators could decline your ad for these reasons:

1. When the pictures of your item is blur or not clear

2. Your post will be declined when there are multiple charges for the same order

3.miposti.com does not accept pictures of nudity or pictures that contains watermarks. Make sure you post the exact picture of the item

4. Your post will be declined if you post multiple items within one ad. You must post each item separately

5. Please make sure you carry out an investigation of the market value and input appropriate price for your item. Your post will be declined if you place an irrelevant price for your product

Please adhere to these simple rules and our moderators will activate your ad in a short time.

Thank you

1. Always post images as they are to avoid deception.

2. Do well to take pictures of all angles of the product.

3. Give your product a competitive price.

4. Attach detailed description of product. Eg. Colour, width, length, etc. to facilitate customer decision making.

 Scammers can hit you at any point in time if the necessary precautions are neglected. In view of this, we have provided these tips to help our users to take care of their security.

The best way to avoid fraud is to contact the seller or buyer directly, to see the item and pay for it.

It’s always very necessary to consider the item description before placing a bid.

Buy with confidence by asking the seller relevant questions concerning the item and that would help to figure out if the whole deal is genuine.

Make sure to protect your computer or mobile devices against different types of viruses.

Advertising on miposti.com is very easy and fast.
To post on miposti.com, just follow this simple procedure:

If you already have an account with us, just login into your account and advertise your products.

New users should click on Post Ad (For FREE)

Complete every information about your product or item such as title, category, region, description and price.

NB : You are required to provide at least three photos for phones and cars advertisement

After providing all the needed information about your ad, you will be redirected to our registration page to complete all the required details.

Once you complete the requirements,

Click on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.

At this stage you will receive an email, confirming your Username and password.

After going through the required procedure and completing your process, your advert will be published shortly.

Once your advert is live, you will receive a notification email.

Get ready to receive numerous incoming calls from potential buyers in all walks of life.

Please note that, your account has to be verified by using the verification code which would be sent to your email.

Good luck and we wish you all the best with your sales.

Thank you!

Being a member of miposti.com is a dream come true.

This platform serves a great opportunity to unveil and showcase your products, to the local and international buyers as well.

It is one of the outstanding avenues created to boom your business beyond expectations.

We have four categories of membership, which are:

the Bronz Member,

Diamond Member,

Gold Member and

the Emerald Member.

Subscribing to our Bronz membership puts you at the basic stage where members are awarded 3 Regular Ads and 5 Bump Ups to boost up sales and prevent posted ads from hidden to the bottom in relation to the time and date posted.


A Gold Member is a third ranked level.

This is where additional tools are given to the member.

This member has 5 number of feature ads for 30 days for boosting of posts and this means that, such ads will always appear at the front page depending on the time posted

10 Top Ads is also credited to this member for the benefit of keeping posted ads at the top pick among all ads.

15 number of Bump Up tools are given to this member in order to make post more visible.


The next ranked on the list which is the Diamond Membership, has a threeple (3x) advantage as compared to the Golden Member.

Which means, 15 Featured Ads, 30 Top Ads and 45 accumulated Bump Up ads are been assigned to this member category for 30 days life span.


The Emerald Member is the Topmost Member of all.
A member is been cushioned at this end to possess three times (3x) of all the privileges of a Diamond Member.

Thus 45 Featured Ads, 90 Top Ads and 135 Bump Us.